Welcome to the United Sports Complex Registration page. Below are instructions on setting up a new account and registering.
Click Here to Register
Please follow the instructions below to set up a NEW account for your FAMILY:
- From the home page, click on LOGIN located at the top of the page.
- New Customer Primary Contact: Create your FAMILY account, Primary parent's information goes here.
- Primary Contact Information: enter Primary PARENT/GUARDIAN and then Secondary PARENT/GUARDIAN information.
- Add a New Participant: Player's information is recorded here.
- Once the first Participant (Player) has been added, you may either...
- Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on "Update and Add Another Participant", if you have more than one child to register.
- Choose the program that you wish to register for and click "Next".
- Please note: if you have more than one Participant (Player), under each player's name will be a list of programs that are available for that player.
If you have any questions, please email – [email protected].
Click Here to Register